Thursday, July 12, 2018

Pakistan will not participate at IOL 2018 in Prague

We are sad to inform the IOL-community that Pakistan will not be attending the 16th International Olympiad of Linguistics in Prague 2018.

We kindly ask that you direct any questions about the Pakistani delegation to their official email: The website of the Linguistics Society of Pakistan and the contest is:, you can go there to read more.

As a representative of the board, I would also like to take this opportunity to clarify some details of the IOL organisation. The IOL is organised by a coalition of linguists and other scholars from around the world. Here follows a brief outline of the bodies of the IOL, please read our rules for more detail.

  • The IOL-board - works throughout the year, elected by IOC (see below), deals with accreditation, overarching organisational matters, communication and more.
  • The Local Organising Committee (LOC) - based at the institution that is hosting the event each year, deals with registration, accomodation, schedule and other practical details of the actual contest
  • The Problem Committee (PC) - creates and manages the translation of the problem sets
  • The Jury - consists of a subset and associates of the PC, does the actual marking at the contest
  • The International Organising Committee (IOC) - representatives of accredited contest and members of the jury. Meets during the contest, elects board, confirms future locations and makes other important decisions about the contest (changes in rules etc)
All of this is outlined in our rules in much more detail, you can find them here:

The IOL governs which contests are accredited and the rules and goings-on of the international contest. The IOL does not manage details of each individual contest, kindly do not contact us regarding specific matters of contests (unless you are unable to get information from the contest organisers, in which case we are likely to want to know that). You can contact the IOL here.

Thank you.

/Hedvig (PR-chair together with Simona)