The registration for the International Linguistics Olympiad 2017 is closed.
It is not possible for new countries to register for 2017, and interested students will most likely have missed the deadlines for their national contest by now.
The participating countries are: Armenia, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada(Anglophone), Canada (Francophone), China, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK, Ukraine, USA and Turkey.
If your country is in that list and you'd like to partake next year, visit our official website and follow the link to your country's national contest's website.
If you country is not in that list, check if it's listed on our website still and follow the link as above.
If your country is not in either list, and you're still keen, you may have to consider setting up a national contest yourself. This takes a lot of resources and effort. National contests are run entirely separately from the international one. Please see our FAQ for more information.
All the best wishes not for the Local Organisation Committee team, the problem committee, the jury and the partaking countries. For more information about this years event, go here.