If I may, I'd just like to introduce myself and address all people currently on their way or already at this year's event. My name is Hedvig Skirgård, I'm a member of the IOL board and I work with our public outreach together with Simona Klemenčič. (I am also part of the organisation of the Swedish contest, but nowadays I live in Australia where I'm doing my PhD in linguistics.) This will be the first time in 7 years that I cannot attend, and I just want to wish all participants the very best via this our blog since I cannot be there. Good luck everyone! I hope you do well in the contest, but also in making friends. The IOL is a great opportunity to connect with other likeminded young people from all over the world, I hope you all will have a great time and meet many fun new friends!
Linguistics is a great discipline, and it's getting more and more exciting every year. There's lots happening and we're very glad to get to know young enthusiastic people and engage with you. Don't be scare to ask us organisers and team leaders questions about linguistics and academic life. You can also, if you want pose questions here on this blog I run about linguistic diversity and description.
There are many people working to bring this all together: Aleksandar Velinov and his team of local organiser, the IOL board, the problem committee, the organisers of the contests in each country, team leaders, sponsors and more. I want to wish all of them the very best, and hope that this will be fun for them as well. If you are a participant reading this, be sure to be terribly nice to all of these people, as usual :)!
Also: don't forget to use the hashtag #IOLING when sharing photos and posts on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc)!
All the best wishes to everyone from Hedvig in Canberra - 15,364 km away
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And don't forget: Един език никога не е достатъчен!