So, following up on yesterday's posts about the 18 languages of this years International Linguistics Olympiad: how well do you know them? Here is a phrase in all of the languages, can you guys match the pairs (without googling)? I've also snuck in one extra language, 2 bonus point if you can label it. The correct answer is found at the bottom, in tiny light-yellow print (copy-paste to elsewhere to read). Happy pairing, let us know how you did in the comments!
- One language is never enough
- Един език никога не е достатъчен (Edin ezik nikoga ne e dostatãčen)
- 種語言永遠不夠 [一种语言永远不够] (yīzhǒng yǔyán yǒngyuǎn bùgòu)
- Jeden jazyk nikdy nestačí
- Eén taal is nooit genoeg
- Ühest keelest ei piisa kunagi
- Une seule langue n'est jamais suffisante
- 言語を一つは決して足りない (gengo o hitotsu wa kesshite tarinai)
- Ar vienu valodu nekad nepietiek
- Jeden język nigdy nie wystarcza
- O singură limbă nu ajunge niciodată
- Одного языка никогда не достаточно (Odnovo jazyka nikogda nedostatočno)
- En jezik ni nikoli dovolj
- Ett språk är aldrig nog
- Bir dil asla yeterli değildir
- Однієї мови ніколи не досить (Odnijeji movy nikoly ne dosyt')
- Un idioma nunca es suficiente
- Egy nyelv sosem elég
- Unu lingvo neniam sufiĉas
Here's a map from AMCharts showing all the countries that are participating in this years contest.
Correct answers: 1B, 2G, 3J, 4P, 5K, 6A, 7F, 8O, 9Q, 10M, 11H, 12I, 13L, 14C, 15N, 16R, 17D, 18E and 19: Esperanto!