Monday, June 1, 2015

IOL in social media #ioling

The International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) is on social media, you're most welcome to follow us and post about us! There's a hashtag that you can use when posting in social media, #ioling (just  like our website

Right now we have several social media outlets, both for the IOL in general and for this years event in Bulgaria in particular.  You can follow the IOL blog, twitter and our facebook-page. You can write to us at all these places, and in this contact form. You can also keep track of the hashtag ioling on tumblr, youtube and on twitter and of course also use it yourself when posting about linguistic olympiads.

For this years event in particular - the 13th International Linguistics Olympiad which takes place in Bulgaria in July 2015 - you can also visit the excellent website and follow it on Facebook for more specific news about this year.

We haven't yet started regularly posting on Instagram, but of course the hashtag can be used there too. There are also more Facebook-groups for participants from certain years or other kinds of friendly gatherings, have a look around and/or start a new if you'd like.

For those who might need a quick little introduction to send to friends, I highly recommend this short video:

All the best,
IOL-board member Hedvig

p.s If you are a linguist or are in contact with linguists who might be interested in being involved in puzzle idea brainstorms, please send them to this blog post.